Welcome 2025!

Welcome 2025!

Hi Everyone,

Recently I started swimming again after a long hiatus. The pool was packed with all the others with a similar New Year's resolution. It felt like the first day of school--chaotically filled with so much potential! I really wish I could bottle up that visceral anticipation where you feel like anything can happen. It's so energizing, and as an adult, it's hard to find this feeling regularly. You can get so stuck in your routines, and a lot of your day feels predictable.

That’s partly why I started Parker Hill Provisions. In the last Croissant Workshop, the students looked simultaneously unsure and excited. They didn’t know what was to come, but in a span of three hours, each student transformed from a bewildered newbie to someone who knows what lamination means because they’ve actually done it!

I felt the same way after taking an art class with Tara. I knew we were going to paint, but I didn’t know what the drills would be or how the paint would mix. Did everything go perfectly? No, but it’s the learning process that matters. Now I find it easier to regularly pick up painting, and to not get so discouraged if the first few attempts don't go my way. These are lessons I've learned before; but if we don’t try something new often, we can get out of the practice of being a student.

So, I hope in 2025 you are able to regularly challenge yourself with something out of your normal routine. Our brains and bodies are meant to grow, so don’t let that New Year excitement evaporate!

- Lisal

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